Monday, November 30, 2009

It really depends on the size of the dog...

Dog Poo Pickerupper and Lawn Mower (Lafayette in Yamhill County)

Date: 2009-11-30, 3:43PM PST
Reply to:

I don't like doing yard work all that much. It's just me and I work quite a bit. I am looking for someone that lives relatively close to the McMinnville / Lafayette area in Yamhill County to do some of my chores for me, living in Lafayette would work the best however not required if you have a way to get here. I would prefer this someone to be a kid looking for a weekly gig. During the winter I wont need the lawn mowed so much, but I would like the dog poo picked up weekly. If this works out, during the summer I will have you pick up the poo and mow once a week. The neighbor kid moved and he was the person I had doing this before.

Dirty work (poo pickerupper) $10 and $10 for the lawn mowing

Winter Time, $10 a week except once a month mowing and that week will be $20 (November -April)

During the summer I will give whom ever $20 a week (May-October)

  • Location: Lafayette in Yamhill County
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: no pay

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