Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Healthy, but not too healthy.

I love a good medical study, but I couldn't qualify for this one. I'm well within their overweight category, but they wanted me to have higher cholesterol, exercise less, and eat a typical american diet for 6 months.

I'm pretty sure I would need to take a bunch of pills after half a year of that bullshit.

Volunteers needed for study of dietary supplement (OHSU)

Date: 2011-02-16, 8:14AM PST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

We are looking for healthy men and women volunteers who are overweight or obese for a research study. This study will involve using a supplement called lipoic acid to lower risk factors that lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Volunteers will be randomized to receive either lipoic acid or a placebo (a pill that looks the same but has no lipoic acid in it). There is 50-50 chance of receiving the placebo.

Men and women, aged 18-50, should be healthy, non-smokers. There will be 5 visits over a 6 month period, lasting 1-2 hours each. They will have blood drawn, urine specimens given and body compositions assessed.

Participants will be compensated up to $345, if all study visits & dietary assessments are completed.

To find out if you qualify and to learn more about the study please contact Sandy Bacon, RN at 503-494-2003.
Principle Investigator: Jonathan Purnell, MD.

Sponsored by The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

eIRB #3792

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